Tuesday, January 20

Two Weeks

It has been a stressful process trying to get everything together for going to Korea, but now there are only two weeks left until I go!  I am going to teach English to elementary students in a rural part of South Korea.  The program is called TaLK... Teach and Learn in Korea.  The reason it has been stressful, is because my family wants me to be very comfortable and earn as much money as possible, which makes this program very unattractive.  Living out in the country will be uncomfortable, and there won't be nearly as many English-speakers (p.s.--I barely know Korean!), and the program does not pay as much as I could make tutoring in Seoul.

What's cool about the place I am going to is that it is close to the city where my family grew up: Kwangju!  So I have some family there, and I get to see where my momma lived many years ago.  It may not be as exciting to live far from Seoul, but being by the sea, and in a beautiful country, hopefully I'll be creative and mindful enough to take advantage of everything around me!

If you are looking to pray for me, please pray that everything will work out smoothly with my family, or at least that I would have the courage to get through the tough stuff.  Also, pray that I will be open to new people, food, and experiences, and that no matter what I do, I honor the Lord.


Lois K. said...

i will definitely be praying for you! and i'm excited for you too. i'm sure some parts of the next 6 months will be difficult, but i know that you'll grow through it all. so have fun, explore as much as you can, and i pray God will teach you so many things about life. =]

Veronica said...

christie christie
you'll always be in my prayers